ICOM-ICME International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography

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May 6, 2019

Call for nominations: Elections of ICME-board members 2016-2019

According to the rules for ICOM International Committees, elections of new members for the ICME board will be held at the ICME general meeting at the ICOM general Conference in Milan (4-8 July 2016). All ICME members wishing to be considered for the ICME board election are invited to submit their candidacy to the election committee.


Please include the following information in the submission:


1. Name and relevant personal data (current museum or university affiliation)


2. A brief biography/CV (no more than 200 words). 


3. A short statement of what you wish to accomplish as a board member, is also welcome (no more than 200 words). 

ICME accepts nominations from the floor, but prefers to have nominations in advance. Please send your submission, by Friday January 29th 2016 to the election committee lead by Dr Annette B. Fromm:

Dr Fromm will be supported by the election committee including Dr Zvjezdana Antos ( and Dr Anette Rein (


The Nominations will be distributed on the ICME website and in the ICME Newsletter in March 2016.
