Museums and Communities. Diversity, Dialogue and Collaboration in an Age of Migrations (2019)
Editors: Viv Golding, Jen Walklate
Contributors: Christopher Whitehead and Francesca Lanz, Maria Teresa Milicia, Ulf Johansson Dahre, Carsten Viggo Nielsen, Chi Thien Pham, Anette Rein, Pi-Chun Chan, Heng Wu, Pauline van der Zee, Lê Thị Thuý Hoàn, Anna Maria Pecci, Mojca Račič and Ralf Čeplak Mencin, Maria Camilla De Palma, Motoko Harada and Mika Matsuo, Hans Philip Einarsen, Heather Howard, Marsha MacDowell, Judy Pierzynowski and Laura Smith
This volume presents seventeen essays critically reflecting on the collaborative work of the contemporary ethnographic museum with diverse communities. It invites the reader to think about the roles and values of museums internationally, particularly the wide range of creative approaches that can progress dialogue and intercultural understanding in an age of migration that is marked by division and distrust. Against a troubling global background of prejudice and misunderstanding, where elections are increasingly returning right-wing governments, this timely book considers the power of an inclusive and transformative museum space, specifically the movements from static sites where knowledge is transmitted to passive audiences towards potential contact zones where diverse community voices and visibilities are raised and new knowledge(s) actively constructed.
Museums and Innovations (2017)
Editors: Zvjezdana Antoš, Annette B. Fromm, Viv Golding
Contributors: Jan An Haack, Zvjezdana Antoš, Agnes Aljas, Ivan Grinko, Anna Shevtsova, Beate Wild, Mario Buletić, Eef Masson, Iris Edenheiser, Claudia Giostrella, Jari Harju, Lydia Icke-Schwalbe, Nikola Krstović, Viv Golding, Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz, Milica Perić, Margaret Quinn, Joan Seguí, Elisa Tranfaglia, Paulina Van Der Zee
This volume presents sixteen thoughtful essays which address innovative ways to present cultural heritage primarily in ethnographic and social history museums through recent permanent, temporary, and mobile exhibitions. The essays included are taken from the different vantage points; they prompt critical debate about new ways of thinking and working in museums of different sizes, with regard for how we might work collaboratively towards a more equitable future. Essential political issues related to power and the strong influences of the museum are addressed in each section, especially with regards to the presentation of particular cultures and communities.
Museums and Truth (2014)
Editor(s):Annette B. Fromm, Viv Golding, Per B. Rekdal
Contributors: Klas Grinell, Simon Schweizer, Per B. Rekdal, Anette Rein, Bärbel Kerkhoff-Hader, Klas Grinell, Ann Siri Hegseth Garberg, Mario Buletic, Heidi McKinnon, Marie-Paule Jungblut, Annette B. Fromm, Dr Viv Golding, Leiv Sem
Museums are usually seen as arenas for the authorised presentations of reality, based on serious, professional knowledge. Yet, in spite of the impossibility of giving anything but a highly abstract and extremely selective impression in an exhibition, very few museums problematize this or discuss their priorities with their public. They don’t ask “what are the other truths of the matter?” Though the essays in this collection are not written with museums and truth as their explicit subject, they highlight contested truths, the absence of the truth of the underprivileged, whether one truth is more worthy than the other, and whether lesser truths can dilute the value of greater truths. One of the articles included here lets youngsters choose which truth is most probable or just, while another talks about an exhibition where the public must choose which truth to adhere to before entering. One shows how a political change gives a new opportunity to finally restore valuable truths of the past to the present, and another describes the highly dangerous task of making museums and memorials for the truths of the oppressed. Lastly, one explores whether we live in a period where the sources for authorized truths are fragmented and questioned, and asks, what should the consequences for museums be?
Dissolving Boundaries. Museological Approaches to National, Social and Cultural Issues (2014)

Edited by Annette B. Fromm and Baerbel Kerkhoff-Hader
This monograph contains a selection of the ICME/2011/Banz annual conference. Dissolving Boundaries, Museological Approaches to National, Social and Cultural Issues (Bamberger Beiträge zur Europäischen Ethnologie Bd. 13; ISBN 978-3-933949-52-3)
The book can be purchased for € 24,50 plus shipping & handling (Germany € 2,00, all other countries € 7.50 = one book). Contact Dr. Baerbel Kerkhoff-Hader for additional information and purchase: