ICOM-ICME International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography

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May 6, 2019


Diversity and Universality

ICOM-ICME 52stAnnual Conference 2019

September 1-7.2019, Kyoto, Japan


(Closing date Monday 10 December 2018)


Applications are invited for four (4) ICME Fellows, who must be individual members of ICME from category 3&4 countries or ICME youth members (under 35 years of age, but under 40 years of age considered), to join the 2019 ICME conference (see below).

ICME Fellowship funding (up to 2.000 €) will be used to pay for conference registration, accommodation, airfare and a reasonable daily allowance in Kyoto Japan for participation in the conference 1-7 September, with a view to offer opportunities for enriching the on-going research of candidates through global interaction with ICME members from different parts of the world. Candidates are expected to remain active in ICME. We do not require each fellow to deliver a paper at conference but to write a report (500-750 words) with photographs for the ICME Newsletter.

Please send your CV (including your ICOM number), a statement (around 500 words) of how the Fellowship will benefit your career and 1 letter of recommendation from your employer to the conference committee at the email addresses below. We are sorry that applications received after the closing date of Monday 10 December 2018 cannot be considered). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Very best of luck!

Ralf, Tone, Laurie, Viv;

Follow the updates about the conference on our official website:

Call for fellows (pdf)
