November 7, 2022
10-12/11/2022 ICME 2022-2025 Board elections + Meet the candidates ICME Board

Dear individual and institutional ICME members!
It has been three years since the last election of the new ICME Board in 2019 in Kyoto happened. It’s time to vote for a new ICME BOARD! We introduced the candidates on the ICME website: (The candidates list is no longer available.)
According to the ICME Statute, you can elect a president and 8 board members, for a total of 9 members.
We are sending you a link to the Xoyondo anonymous voting platform, specifically for the president and specifically for the 8 board members.
- Each ICME member has the right and opportunity to vote for the President and 8 members of the ICME Board.
- Museums – institutional members also have the right and possibility to vote. Depending on size, they have 3 or more votes. Since Xoyondo only offers voting by first and last name, which is anonymous, we ask all museums that intend to vote – to send the ICME secretary Rema Zeynalova the Name and Surname of the representatives of the institution and the name of the museum and the country it is from.
All ICME members who have paid membership fees to ICOM in 2022 can vote. For the first time in ICME history, we will hold the most democratic election of the new ICME Board ever. Regardless of the distance, you have the opportunity to vote for the members of the new ICME Board!
Elections start on November 10 and last until November 20, 2022.
The results will be announced on November 23, 2022, at the ICME annual meeting, after the online conference “The Power of Museums – to be continued”!
Section 6: Management of the International Committee
- The Committee shall be managed by an Executive Board consisting of no more than nine
members**, including a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a webmaster and a newsletter editor,
elected by the Committee’s members. Members of the Executive Board shall be elected for a period of three years and may be re-elected
only once.
- No more than two members from any one country shall normally be elected to the Executive
Section 9: Elections
- Elections shall be held every third year, normally during the ICOM Triennial Conference. A call for
candidates (Chairperson and board members) shall be sent to all members at least four months in
advance. Members (as identified in Section 4, para. 8) are eligible to stand for election.
- Two months before the election short biographies of candidates should be sent to all ICME
- If members are not able to attend the General Meeting in person, proxy voting forms shall be
sent with a list of candidates and each proxy will be vested in another ICME member who can
- The Chairperson shall be elected before the other members of the Board. The Chairperson and
the other members of the Board shall be elected for three years, and their mandate can be renewed
once. A member of the Board may subsequently be elected Chairperson. However, no one may
remain on the Board for more than twelve consecutive years.
- The newly elected Chairperson and the new members of the Board shall choose among
themselves specific functions such as Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.
- The Chairperson or Board members of ICME may not serve in another elected or appointed
position in ICOM unless authorized by the Executive Council.