February 22, 2022
ICME Newsletter 93/2022 Newsletter

Introductory word of ICME president
Words from the Editor
Committee Announcements, Conferences and News
UMAC-NATHIST-ICME-ICR 2022 Joint Annual Conference: The Power of Museums Call for Papers
ICME, INTERCOM & ICOM Azerbaijan Hybrid Joint Conference part 1, Rema Zeyanlova
ICME, INTERCOM & ICOM Azerbaijan Hybrid Joint Conference part 2, Miriam Hamburger
In Memoriam: Dr. David Boston
The Traditional Heritage Museums: Reality and Perspectives, the Traditional Heritage Museum of Djerba
November 2021, Agency for Heritage development and cultural promotion (AMVPPC)
Moroccan Tbourida, an ancestral equestrian performance, Ech cherki Dahmali
From the Temple to the Museum through the Mosque: The Story of al-Hawd al-Marsud Sarcophagus, Radwa Zaki
Sultanate of Oman a Country of Diversity, Tangible & Intangible Heritage and a Long History in Cultural Heritage: A Glimpse of the Craft Heritage of the People of Oman, Rahma Q. Al Farsi
Al Shindagha Museum: Enriching Knowledge, Inspiring Experiences, Mona Al Gurg
New Museums of Egypt and Community Identity, Applying to Sharm El-Sheikh Museum, Shenouda Rizkalla
The Arabic alphabet between marking and writing: An analytical study of the inscriptions in Kuwait, Sultan Mutlaq Ad-Dawish
From Museums to Comics: Decolonising Egypt’s Dispersed Heritage, Heba Abd el Gawad and Alice Stevenson
Historic Embroidered Thobes in the Exhibitions and Permanent Collections of the Palestinian Museum: Palestinian Memory as Told by Women, edited by Haneen Saleh and translated by Suzi Beltagy
Comics for decolonization
The Liverpool World Museum and the destruction of 3,000 Egyptian objects. Heba Abd el Gawad and Alice Stevenson